Sunday, May 16, 2010

Double Dipsea: Take 1

Hey all. Sorry for the delay in posting. Here's the latest:

Work and sketch acting class are picking up, so I've had to adjust my walking schedule. Distances have increased-brisk and moderate walks are now 4 miles, with 30 minute recovery walks on Monday. My plan for tomorrow is to take a walk after the kids are out.

Saturday was the attempt at the double Dipsea. If you've never heard of the trail, click on the title. Basics-start with 670+ steps broken over three flights.

To be clear-the first mile of the hike took over 35 minutes. My average first mile is now 16 or so minutes on my training walks. New curses were invented. Most common was "those darn (insert another word here) stairs".

The hike got better after that. We went down the hill, and found a nice area where the trail was washed out. Here is Charlotte walking across the creek in the path:

The actual washed out area necessitated sliding down part of the hill on my rear. Then I climbed over a drainage pipe. Upon emerging at the end of that section, we noticed the "Trail Closed" sign. In our defense, there was no partner sign where that section of the trail started. We checked on the way back.

After reaching Muir Woods (and finding another bridge washed out), we took a pit stop and regrouped. It took longer to finish the first two miles then we anticipated, and I had to get back into the City by 3 for rehearsal. Luckily, there was a map with a suggested loop up the fire road and down the Ben Johnson trail back into Muir Woods. FYI-great way to avoid paying the $5 entrance fee to Muir Woods. Just know you are going up a hill for about 2 miles.

The advantages of hiking up a hill labeled "Cardiac Hill" is that you get to see beautiful animals like these (yes there are two).

The bad news is that it's hard work. Big surprise. We took a break around 11:15. Mmm. Snacks. Lots of laughter. Due to the statute established at the time, none of those pictures will be shown.

After that we found the cutoff to Ben Johnson trail, and headed down the hill. Only a few switchbacks and stairs. Lots more people, including the VERY pregnant lady hiking up the hill. We dropped down into Muir Woods, took another pit stop, and headed up the hill. Going down the stairs at the end was a little easier then going up. Both of us experienced jelly knees at the end of the hike.

While we didn't make the double Dipsea (or even a single), we did manage about 8 miles in 4 hours 48 minutes walking time (over 5 hours total). The deli sandwiches at the market in Mill Valley were tasty.

Oh, and I made it home in time for rehearsal. No shower-sorry to my partner for that.

Sunday-got in 8 miles around the Bay to Breakers craziness. Next weekend-17 and 8 miles. Anyone want to join next Sunday?

Milestone: I've gotten half-way to my fundraising goal! I'm working on planning a happy hour for June 12, so keep your calendars open and be on the lookout for an invite.

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